Strategi Pengembangan Produk Wisata Untuk Meningkatkan Jumlah Kunjungan Wisatawan Kampoeng Air di Desa Kragilan Kabupaten Boyolali
Product Development StrategyAbstract
The purpose of this research is to know the factors that determine the development of tourism potential Kampoeng Air village Kragilan district Boyolali, to know tourism development strategy Kampoeng Air village Kragilan district Boyolali, t know the obstacles in the development of tourism objects Kampoeng Air village Kragilan district Boyolali. The kind of research used is research descriptive qualitative. Data collection method is the observations, the interview, the literature study, the questionnaire and documentation. Data source obtained from a source primary and secondary data. Data processing using three grooves main activities which were reduction data, presentation of data and the withdrawal of conclusion the SWOT analysis. From the discussion result research that strategy product development tourism Kampoeng Air village Kragilan is by increasing infrastructure less, construction of several object attractiveness new, increase resources or labor quality, improve promotion tourism, develop cooperation to the local government, optimize potential and uniqueness to face competition between tourism object, build the information tourism. Expected from the research can be help increase the number of tourist visits at an object tourism Kampoeng Air village Kragilan district Boyolali. Factors that determine the development are factors driving and factors barrier. The obstacles in the process of development is uncertain weather, the weak government regulation, local competition between the nearest tourism, Geographical factors , limited means of and infrastructure , the absence of accommodation special toward an object tourism , lack of directions toward an object tourism , the limited human resources in the tourism , the low awareness of tourists will environment.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Diah Suci Kurniawati, Hapsari Wahyuningsih, Emmelia Nadira Satiti
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