Pengaruh Program CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Dalam Mempertahankan Citra Positif di Lorin Solo Hotel
The Influence of CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, Positive ImageAbstract
This research was conducted at Lorin Solo Hotel with qualitative descriptive analysis supported by literature study. Data collection methods or techniques, data sources, and data analysis techniques. Based on the variable (X-Y). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Program in maintaining a positive image. This research was conducted at Lorin Solo Hotel with Observation Techniques, Questionnaires, and Data Analysis regarding the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Program, Positive Image. The conclusion of this study is that there is an influence between the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Program with a positive image at Lorin Solo Hotel. The results of the author's research can be concluded that: (1) The influence of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) programs (2) Media Relations supporting CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities. The results of this study are the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) program has an effect on a positive image at Lorin Solo Hotel through the influence of the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) program, Media Relations supporting CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) activities. This can be seen based on the research questionnaire as many as 70.5% of respondents answered Yes, regarding the influence of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) programs, as many as 90% of respondents said Yes about Positive Image.
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