Sinergi Badan Promosi Pariwisata dan Akun Instagram Explore Bantul dalam Promosi Pariwisata Kabupaten Bantul


  • Hasnah Eha Anggiyani Universitas Gadjah Mada



tourism promotion, synergy, social media, tourism promotion board


This article aims to find out the response of the Bantul Tourism Promotion Board to the existence of a Bantul tourism promotion account on social media Instagram, namely @explore.bantul. This article also aims to find out the obstacles and synergy plans between Bantul Tourism Promotion Board and @explore.bantul. The data shows that foreign tourists in Bantul Regency are still low even though promotional efforts have been done by many parties, both from the government and society independently. This article uses a qualitative approach and data collection techniques through interviews and literature review from articles, books, and news. The result of this research contributes to helping tourism stakeholders in Bantul understand the importance of synergy in tourism promotion efforts. The result shows that the Bantul Tourism Promotion Board gave a positive response by supporting the existence of the @exlore.bantul account, but still lacking in synergy. The lack of synergy is related to the existence of several obstacles. Meanwhile, Bantul Tourism Promotion Board already has a plan for future collaboration with the @explore.bantul account to be an official media partner. The @explore.bantul account has great potential to become an effective promotional media proved by their followers who reached 127 thousand people. Therefore, a synergy between the government and this account is needed.


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How to Cite

Hasnah Eha Anggiyani. (2021). Sinergi Badan Promosi Pariwisata dan Akun Instagram Explore Bantul dalam Promosi Pariwisata Kabupaten Bantul. Jurnal Pariwisata Indonesia, 17(2), 44–55.