Analisis Nilai Sejarah dan Kesakralan Candi Cetho Sebagai Ajang Promosi Daya Tarik Wisata Kabupaten Karanganyar


  • Aneke Rahmawati Universitas Gadjah Mada
  • Azmy Hanif Universitas Gadjah Mada



Cetho Temple, sacredness, history, tourist attraction


Cetho Temple is one of the highest temples in Indonesia with an altitude of 1400 meters above sea level on the slopes of Mount Lawu, Karanganyar Regency. In 2020, Cetho Temple has contributed approximately 21% of the total number of tourist visits to Karangnyar Regency, which amounted to 66,066 tourists. The problem that occurs is that the historical value and the sacred value of Cetho Temple are starting to fade, most tourists do not understand the values contained in the temple. Therefore, the elements contained in the Cetho Temple tourist attraction need to be reevaluated to bring up the historical value and sacred value contained therein. The results of this study are: (1) Authenticity: a temple that was founded in the 15th century which functions as a place of self-purification, this temple is one of the temples that faces west with a philosophy, when worshiping (praying) faces east and hands face up; (2) Originality: Cetho Temple is located on the slopes of Mount Lawu. For Hindus, the mountain is the feet of sky, and the sky is the home of the Gods; (3) Uniqueness: it is a place of “moksa” for King Majapahit and Prabu Brawijaya V. This temple is used to release the curse of bad reincarnation, Cetho Temple also has unique statues, namely the lingga-yoni statue and a statue similar to the Inca-Maya tribe; (4) Branding/slogan: “The sacred temple above the cloud. Calm your mind and soul here”.


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How to Cite

Aneke Rahmawati, & Azmy Hanif. (2021). Analisis Nilai Sejarah dan Kesakralan Candi Cetho Sebagai Ajang Promosi Daya Tarik Wisata Kabupaten Karanganyar. Jurnal Pariwisata Indonesia, 17(2), 24–30.