Pengaruh Kualitas Fasilitas Wisata Terhadap Kepuasan Wisatawan Pada Daya Tarik Wisata Taman Nostalgia Kota Kupang
Park, Recreation, Tourist Facilities, Tourist SatisfactionAbstract
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of tourist facilities on tourist satisfaction in Nostalgia Park. This research uses descriptive quantitative method. Primary data sources obtained from 50 samples of tourists as respondents, the questionnaire research instrument contains 21 questions from 2 variables. The data analysis method used is Simple Linear Regression Analysis and Coefficient of Determination using SPSS Version 16. The results of this study indicate that the calculation results of the simple linear regression equation model obtained Y = 25,671 + 0,237X, indicating that tourist facilities have an effect on tourist satisfaction and the effect is positive. The dimensions of tourist facilities that are considered low are in the toilet cleanliness dimension with a value of 1.3. The dimension of tourist satisfaction that is considered low is staying loyal with a value of 3.54. Researchers suggest that Nostalgia Park, Kupang City managers further improve and maintain the quality of existing tourist facilities so that there will be an increase of satisfaction level of visitors to Kupang City Nostalgia Park.
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