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					View Vol. 20 No. 2 (2024): JURNAL PARIWISATA INDONESIA
Published: 2024-12-31


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Jurnal Pariwisata Indonesia (JPI) is managed by Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Sahid Surakarta. The Indonesian Tourism Journal (JPI) is an academic journal published twice annually, dedicated to studies in tourism, hospitality, and culinary sciences in Indonesia. JPI invites writers in the field of tourism, hospitality, and culinary to send manuscripts written in English or Indonesian. JPI's goal is to provide comprehensive knowledge about tourism, hospitality, and culinary science in Indonesia. We encourage different perspectives on the application of tourism science to a broader view in the tourism, hospitality, and culinary fields and contribute to the development of tourism science in Indonesia. First published in 2008 (ISSN 1907-2457), and ISSN Online number (EISSN 2581-2688). Along with the development of tourism and education in Indonesia, JPI is present in the media in journal publications or research writings. In the future, JPI's vision and mission will become an accredited international journal publication media.